
Signs of Early Miscarriage - First Trimester

If you need information on miscarriage signs in the first quarter , which should be as precise as possible the number of weeks of pregnancy you . The first trimester is the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Even now , details the signs of miscarriage in the first trimester can be confused with signs of pregnancy in general. The top 5 signs of early miscarriage are :

Cramps in the pelvic region. In early pregnancy , unusual cramps, uncut , but different from menstrual cramps , occurs occasionally . If the cramps are constant and not relieved after a few hours, which can be a early miscarriage . Symptoms of miscarriage cramps can occur at any time during the first quarter.

Back pain that radiates from the inside, not the back muscles and the spine itself. This is the kind of low back pain that does not seem to play a massage or change and is one of the classic symptoms of miscarriage . This means that the uterus is supported on the lower back and possible uterine spasms are felt.

Vaginal bleeding miscarriage. You may not notice a pink stain on your underwear - it is not clear that this is blood. Sometimes, instead of pink is brown because it is old blood. Vaginal bleeding also occurs when the egg and can not be a sign of bleeding false layer at all .

During vaginal blood clots . If your period is late , then followed by a very heavy menstrual bleeding or large clots , it is possible that you encounter an error baby . In most cases , unless you have a history of heavy periods, from blood clots and very heavy flow are the symptoms of miscarriage .

Nausea and weakness lasting days. These signs of inadvertent first trimester abortion are often confused with the symptoms of pregnancy in general. Hormonal changes in early pregnancy make you feel very tired. Usually after the first two months of fatigue is less common. If you have not recently been sick or tired, you can have an early miscarriage .

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