
How Do You Know If You Have Had A Miscarriage?

The first sign of blood and mother -to-be - you may panic , believing it will be a miscarriage ! What she did not know is that the bleeding and cramping during the first trimester is a common experience , but does not come in the form of a healthy pregnancy. Yes, sometimes leads to abortion , but only examining physician will be able to find the truth. The really important thing is to consult a doctor at the onset of signs of bleeding.

The truth about miscarriage signs. There are different signs that the doctor is seen in the case of a miscarriage is suspected . Some tests may also be performed . The most common that the doctor will check for signs of abdominal cramps and vaginal bleeding. Again, as mentioned above, these could indicate a possible error , but we can not be 100% sure .

A pelvic exam is more complete. An open neck announces imminent false layer. The cervix is closed, but vaginal bleeding is this - is not the threat of abortion ( threatened abortion ) . All we can do is wait for other symptoms and signs medical reports convey the truth. Of course, these events can be emotionally exhausting for the mother to be .

Sometimes the doctor will measure the levels of HCG. He is known for a blood test . During the first weeks of a normal pregnancy, HCG levels increase rapidly .

Other tests that may be done include : - internal pelvic exam , checking for the presence of fetal heartbeat , or lack thereof, and an ultrasound.

In most cases, the pregnancy is terminated as soon as the woman even knows she is pregnant . It is only when he realized hemorrhage realize you may have lost an unborn baby.

The fundamental reason for a miscarriage is genetic abnormalities that do not allow the embryo is viable. But whatever the reason, it is a traumatic event for mother - to-be. It is though that maybe could do something about it . Perhaps there's nothing he could do to prevent it from happening .

Even after this miscarriage , pregnancy health is very possible. In fact, in most cases, only one event . No cause for concern when the woman is not able to advance in pregnancy despite several attempts. Even in this case, the doctor is there to discover the cause and propose a solution .

In general , a mistake can lead to a lot of pain and fears about the future . Some suggestions offered - see your doctor as soon as you experience abnormal symptoms , make an effort to relax , rely on those close to make moral support , and sincerely believe that a healthy baby to term is possible in the future!

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