
Silent Miscarriage

In our society, we are not talking openly about miscarriage . It is a loss that is usually shared among members and friends of the family. It seems that there is injury associated with loss . Women may feel responsible not create life. The struggles that a woman can go after miscarriage are huge. This struggle can often depend on how women and others around them perceive a miscarriage as a personal failure or a common problem that many women face. 

It's time we end this taboo subject of your closet. The miscarriage is a common problem that women face and we have to start an open dialogue so that, if it happens to us, we do not feel alone and isolated , poor and broken.

We repair emotionally after an abortion requires a different amount of time for each woman . Abortion / false entire layer can be a very traumatic event that occurs rapidly, leaving a woman with little time for contemplation after the event took place . It is also important to note that some of these processes can take days and sometimes weeks to pass , leading to a very different set of emotional needs . With a failed false , such as coat, women may choose to wait until the body rejects naturally fetus instead of choosing a medical intervention. Signs of Early Miscarriage. Over a period of time, up to 6 weeks last fetal death is an acceptable way to go, but it means that a woman can carry a dead fetus for up to 6 weeks. Often these women are experiencing all the normal signs of pregnancy (nausea , weight gain , etc. ) because the gestational sac is still in the uterus during this period and fool the body into thinking it is still pregnant. You can imagine the emotional effects that this may have on a woman. Powerful and sometimes quite overwhelming.

I have a relatively educated women consider when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. I participate in the birth as a profession because of pete but I never noticed a miscarriage . As a doula is all about preparing women for the birth of a full term (hopefully) baby. I was very guilty of ignoring the issue of miscarriage . I know many women who have suffered a miscarriage in my personal and professional life. Looking back, I'm embarrassed that I know no more than they were then. I should have known ... for them, for me ... You live , you learn , I guess. In fact, I knew nothing about any other form of denial of full false layer. It was not until talking with friends and experience a miscarriage myself ( and certainly was not the whole genre ) that I began to learn about all the different types of miscarriages and false statistics surrounding layers .

Now I feel very strongly that all women should include a false layer before becoming pregnant . We must speak out for women who have a miscarriage do not feel a moment of fear . As to the birth process , women who are educated and prepared for their birth experience often report a more positive experience with a better understanding of their bodies natural processes. I'm not saying that it is possible to prepare for the emotional aspects of miscarriage , which would be totally impossible , but maybe women could be prepared for the physical experience. Just as the birth process term is a natural process , so does a miscarriage .

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